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Dinner and a Date

by Nic Pauling © 2005

I feel fine, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about," Michelle groaned and tried to sit up in bed.

Her mother pushed her back down.

"You are not fine. The doctor says that bite could become infected. You're grounded to this bed and when you get better you're still grounded. What were you thinking wandering around outside at night?"

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and then I heard something in the woods..." Michelle looked up. Her mother's expression was stern. Michelle knew her mother was just upset over the attack.

"You could have been kidnapped! Raped! Murdered! Someone could have cut you into little pieces and mixed you in with their dog's kibble." She started crying again. She'd been doing that since Michelle had stumbled in, covered in blood, at three a.m.

"I just needed fresh air and exercise." Michelle closed her eyes, feeling drained.

"So what did happen?" Her mother asked softly. They had asked Michelle that several times already but she hadn't told them. The doctor thought that she was suffering from shock and would eventually be able to talk about it. Michelle opened her tear filled eyes but couldn't look at her mom.

"I heard a noise in the woods, like something was watching me. I turned back towards the house and it started coming after me so I started running. I heard it howl. Howl! Like some animal, only, it couldn't have been an animal because it grabbed me with two arms. I landed on the ground. That's when it bit me on the shoulder. I screamed and started thrashing but I was pinned down. Then it just left."

Michelle looked at her mother who pulled her gently into a hug.

"Well, you're home now and you're fine." She kissed Michelle's forehead. "I'm going to have your father get his rifle. Maybe he can find whatever did this to you."

Michelle nodded and fought a yawn. She supposed it was normal to feel this drained after such a long night.

"Mom," she began.

"I know, I'm going to let you get some sleep, but don't get used to it. You'll be up and in school in a few more days." Michelle's mom smiled. "Just holler if you need anything."

"I will." Michelle snuggled down, tugging her blanket up with the arm that didn't hurt. "And mom..."


"I love you." Michelle said softly. She didn't say it much since she'd become a teenager.

"I love you too."

Michelle slept all day, only waking for meals. She heard her father's voice but it seemed distant. She dreamed that she was part of the wind, part of the earth. She moved like lightning across open fields and up mountaintops. She sang to the moon who was her mother. She listened to another's song carried on the wind. She was drawn, pulled by the other singer. She raced to the music and came to the singer.

He looked only partially human. His legs were a wolve's, but he stood on two legs. His arms were of a man. He had a wolve's muzzle coming out only an inch from the rest of his face. His entire body was covered in long, thick brown hair. His eyes were human and blue. He looked at her with those eyes. They were filled with longing, desire, and fear.

Michelle knew she should be afraid but she wasn't.

"Why did you attack me," She asked.

"I only wanted to love you. I needed you to see me." His voice was deep with a raspy quality. He spoke with slowly and softly as if afraid she might run away if he showed her the depth of his emotions.

"Couldn't you have found a different way? You nearly scared me to death and then you hurt me!" Michelle's voice rose accusingly. She pictured the tears in her mother's eyes.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked. Michelle thought about it for a moment. She had been running, racing the wind, and never once had her shoulder hurt.

"No, but that isn't the point. It just wasn't very nice."

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "I didn't know how else to communicate with you."

Michelle looked at him and then sat down on the ledge that overlooked a valley over 10 miles from where her father's farm was.

"Well, why did you?"

"Because I want you to be my mate." He said it simply, expecting her to say no, but hoping she wouldn't.

"I don't even know your name. I don't even know what you are." Michelle watched the stars twinkling in the sky they were now her sisters.

"My name is Lezander and I have been a werewolve for 25 years. I was bitten when I was the same age as you are." Lezander sat down beside her, taking her hand in his, "And for 25 years I have been alone. When I saw you, I fell in love. I tried not to. I never meant to hurt you!"

Michelle turned to him and smiled.

"I still have a year of school."

"Attend during the day. But on nights of the full moon you will be mine. Together we will explore the mysteries of the night." Lezander brushed a finger down Michelle's cheek.

"Alright," Michelle agreed and they leaned towards each other to seal the pact.

When Michelle awoke it was night. The bedside clock read two a.m. She stretched realizing the pain was gone. She yanked the bandage from her shoulder wincing as it pulled off hair. She stood up, trying her new werewolve's legs. She felt like howling but didn't want to wake her parents. She went over to the window and climbed out, dropping to the ground.

"You look beautiful," Lezander said as Michelle joined him.

"Thank you, I always wanted a fur coat." Lezander howled and took Michelle's hand.

"Come on, there is a whole world to show you."

* * *

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