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The Grave

by Naomie Christensen © 2005

There was a wonderful turnout, though more people could have shown up. Many people lived too far away. Having moved around a lot, it is too much to ask everyone to be there. Most of my friends passed away or are deadly ill. Now that I’m here can just rest peacefully. Some would think laying next to a decaying carcass is disturbing. Since it’s my own, in away comforting. Haven’t had trouble with vermin, yet.

The days go by peeking up every once and awhile. There are many other spirits here. Want to get to know everyone. Ben was saying there is time. “No dieing twice.” Funny, as many deaths as I have seen, now there are no more. Some may venture off somewhere else, they are not really gone. Some day, may do the same.

Having an eternity to meet everyone has been very nice. Occasionally, a body comes with no one attached. Rumor is they simply went somewhere else, early. Some say they had been reincarnated. There soul is still among the living. One person, who remains nameless, thinks we were not good or bad enough to go to Heaven or Hell. No one likes him, that is negative.

Never been a bad person. Always interested in other people and having parties. If guilty of anything, it was loving too much. There must be a God out there. Letting me stay here with people that will never leave. Still the idea of waiting for Judgment Day is a concern. The only thought leading to remorse of one day being separated.

Can’t wait for my spouse to join me. It will be the greatest reunion. Want to go visit time-to-time however, it would mean going out in public. What if one of those medium or psychic people see me? Worse, scaring a young child. Think enjoying my time here and waiting for them to come to me is best.

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