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by Sabian Price © 2004

Dozens of missiles zoomed across the blue sky, deep echoing explosions could be heard behind the small group of soldiers in the distant horizon. Laser fire cut through the bunkers on their left and screams of death pierced their ears. The soldiers scrambled through the trenches away from the barrage of heavy mortar that now was raining down on their positions. Lieutenant Jack Smith ordered the rag tag group to stay calm and wait for their chance to advance. Private Ben Jones gripped his weapon with both hands, trembling in fear at the carnage all around him, felt like he should run from that place. His best friend Josh Gellar, an enlisted man, placed his hand on Private Jones shoulder, to reassure his buddy that everything would be all right. Their lieutenant heard a loud squeal coming from above, and his expression showed signs of panic.

"Move," shouted Lieutenant Smith. The men bolted in different directions, several flashes of light, followed by loud blasts, sent the men flying. Three of their comrades laid dead in the muddy trench, only Lieutenant Smith, Private Jones and Josh Gellar remained. Voices carried across the open field, sounds of horns blazed into the sky as the enemy began their advance toward them.

"I should run," mumbled Private Jones.

"Go ahead, you won't make it," said Lieutenant Smith.

Josh climbed up the side of the trench on his belly, then cautiously peered over the embankment out into the field of battle. Focusing his eyes on the center of the field, cast his eyes in all directions. But he couldn't see anything or anyone through the heavy smoke and fog that now brushed across the engagement area. As he was about to move back down into the trench, something caught his eye. Thousands of silhouettes speckled the fog, and the enemy was in fact approaching. Ducking back down, he informed his Lieutenant of the advancing army. Lieutenant Smith grabbed both soldiers by the scuff of the neck and motioned them both over the embankment on the opposite side. He hurried them back toward the trenches in the rear and away from the approaching army. Several shots flew over their heads, lieutenant Smith caught two rounds in the back and fell to the ground dead. Private Jones tried to go back for him, but was stopped by his friend and dragged down into the rear bunker.

The whole scenario felt unreal, seven years they had been fighting the Sylvian's, a dispute over a moon caused the war. The enemy was more advanced in technology then Earth, one colony after another fell to their armies. Until they brought the war back home to Earth and now humans were making a last stand. Josh raced his eyes around the area, everywhere he looked he saw the bodies of dead soldiers, there didn't seem to be anybody else still alive. Then he saw a ray of hope, a command bunker that was still partially in tact.

"Josh, what are we going to do? ," asked Private Jones.

"Follow me, Ben," said Josh.

The two men darted through the trenches, then down into the bunker, inside they found something peculiar.

"What is it Josh?" Josh looked over the machine and soon discovered it was a try lithium bomb, it was capable of destroying everything in a five-mile radius. The weapon had been armed, the timer was set, but the men in the bunker had been killed before they could launch it.

More sirens could be heard coming from all around them, but this time they came from the rear as well. Josh poked his head out the back of the bunker and saw a wonderful site, reenforcements were coming from the rear. Looking toward the front lines, he could also make out the enemy command units, and they had stopped their advance. Their troops were behind them, more than three quarters of their army was on the field of battle. An idea jumped into Joshes head, if they were to fire off this missile into the approaching army, deep into the rear of their forces, then the front soldiers would be at the mercy of their reenforcements.

"What are you doing Josh?"

"Push that button on the wall Ben," said Josh. Private Jones walked over and pushed a button that was fixed to the side of the bunker, they heard metal grinding and the roof opened up. Josh grabbed a piece of burnt wood and scribbled something onto the side of the bomb, then stood back. He reached over and flicked a switch on the side of the launcher and the missile rocketed up over the battle field and toward the enemy forces in the rear.

They waited patently for the explosion, and waited and waited, several voices could be heard coming into the bunker. They readied their weapons, but to their relief, it was just the Commander of the reenforcements. Josh and Ben told the Commander what they had did, and they were commended for their actions. Then Commander Owens Lieutenant, entered into the bunker with an urgent message, the enemy army was withdrawing. Stepping outside the bunker, the Commander pulled out his binoculars and searched the field of battle, the enemy was in fact retreating.

"Looks like your plan worked," said Commander Owens.

"But we saw no flash," replied Private Jones. Both men looked at each other oddly, then they heard a familiar sound. A squealing noise came from over head, then something came crashing down into the trench. They all ran over to see what had landed there and to Joshes horror he could see the missile he had fired off. On the side of the bomb Josh had written the phrase. "We Win!" But it had been scratched out and below that was now written "Wrong, We win!"

x x x

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