A Powerful Reputation

by Nicholas J. Perry © 2003

"Huh?" said Gus.

"I said I need some help, mister wizard, sir," the visitor said. "It's me, Ethel, from the bottom of the hill."

"Oh, yes, Ethel," replied Gus. "It's been a few months since you've been here. Come in."

"Thank you, sir," Ethel said as she followed the old wizard into his den. "Actually, sir, it's been about four years since I've been here."

"Is that so?" Gus said. "Well, if you need some help, you've come to the right place. What do you need, a love charm, a curse, a bat repellant? I hear the bats are very bad this year."

"Uh, the bats were bad last year, no, the year before that," she said.

"Not this year? Anyway, what do you need?"

"Not exactly a love potion," Ethel said.

"A lust potion then? I used to be able to cook up quite a dose of that, although it only seemed to work on the young, attractive people. It never seemed to work on some."

"No, sir, not that. I need something to keep a man from desiring me."

"Ah, someone is seeking your romantic attentions," said the wizard.

"Yes, sir. Actually two men are, and I don't want to drive away one of them, only the other."

"I see. That could be tricky. Who's this unwanted suitor?" Gus asked.

"Sir, it is our mayor. He wants to marry me, but I just don't care for Mayor Gregory, not like that."

"That fool Gregory? He was just here complaining about my spells, claiming they all come out wrong and that I cause destruction every time I try to help someone."

"Oh," Ethel said concernedly.

"Don't you worry. Gregory is greatly exaggerating. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I guess I shouldn't be surprised he's interested in taking a new wife, with his wife just dying last spring."

"Actually, sir, the mayor's wife died three years ago, in the fall."

"Really? Did your husband die recently?"

"Yes, sir, just nine months ago."

"Thought so," Gus said. "I know just how to help you deal with Mayor Gregory."

"I do appreciate it, but you won't let anything bad happen, will you? You've had some troubles lately with the magic, sir, no offense meant."

"Nothing to worry about," Gus said. "I have just the way to deal with that foolish mayor who questions my powers."

"No one'll get hurt, sir, even the mayor?" Ethel asked.

"I promise. A simple letter should solve your problem." Gus looked though his disorderly den until he found a unused parchment and scribbled on it for several minutes.

"Take this to Gregory," Gus said, putting an envelope in Ethel's hands. "This should take care of it, but if not I will use some real strong magic on that doubter."

* * *

Ethel returned a few days later and announced, "The mayor has given up all interest in me, sir. Won't even look at me. What magic did you use in that letter?"

"Magic?" Gus said. "I didn't use any. I just congratulated him on his choice of a potential mate and offered to help."

"I don't understand, sir," she said.

"In the letter, I promised free magic to help him obtain your affections. I said that I would start with some spells for his garden, and then his house, and his personal appearance. But I said I'd only help if he kept up his pursuit of you."

"So he just stopped 'cause he was scared of you?"

"Yep," Gus said with a grin. "The poor fool was so afraid of my magic that he dropped you to avoid it, not realizing how great my magic is."

"Thanks," Ethel said, "and to think you did it all without using your power."

"Not so," the wizard corrected. "Sometimes, my dear, a reputation is the greatest power you can have. That is what I used to solve your problem."

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