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The Project

by Ana Rotea © 2004

“Is it you? Quickly, damn it! Close the door behind you! I can’t afford losing the air in here!”

The young man closed the door behind him and remained staring. This sight in front of him was getting more and more terrifying and disgusting with each day. But he kept coming in the dark and smelling basement to feed the crazy scientist or wizard – or hell knows what he was – and to maintain him working at the Project. That’s because the young man believed in the mind of the crazy one and in the Project; in the future he would steal and bring the discovery to the light and have all the benefits for it…

“Can’t you feel it? The evil is already in me!”

…just a little more patience with the crazy one and the greatest fame will follow…

“It will work, I feel it in my rotten bones and in the way my blood is running, I feel it crawling on my skin, I can even smell it!” the crazy one yelled while approaching.

“Eat!” and to keep him away ( one could barely endure the approach ), the young man pushed towards the other one the so called food: living hamsters in a box.

“Only five of them! But I’m starving! And they are so – so skinny, too!” the crazy one objected setting the animals free in the dark of the room – the hunt always made the food tastier…

“Silence! There’s no pet shop in the town that hadn’t became suspicious about my animals acquisitions and there are no more lost dogs in the surroundings – I’ve lost all of them. Anyway, how are we doing?”

The crazy one giggled:
“I’ve written all in here, in this notebook, all the steps to follow and all the results obtained. Everything is in here and the living proof is me – me – me! I am the one to show the way to him! The only way that Satan can be revealed to us!!! The world will be astonished to find out that even the most innocent child is carrying in him the hellish being!...that the devil is irremovable part of each of us!...unlike the other part, the good part, which can be finally removed through the Project! Because it’s my belief ( and soon a proved fact ) that by removing the good light, the good air, the good food, the good every damn thing from someone’s life for 666 days, the evil will be encouraged to overtake the good within a person…and then Satan is to be seen simply by using the eyes, when all the good is vanished he remains in clear sight…”

He stopped for a while looking with suspicious hate at the young man in front of him: “Unless keeping you around me brings some good into my life… But no, just look at you! What good could come from a frustrated killer to be like you?”

The young man raised his hand as to keep away his assaulting premonitions. The crazy one became madly happy continuing:
“I’ve prepared the mirror – bad, bad is the mirror in human’s life, it lies to you and makes you believe in appearances, it steals away the trust in yourself altogether with the youth and the beauty! The mirror will gladly observe and show us – TODAY – my transformation. Yes… This is my surprise for you, my hated friend: today is the day number 666 in our experiment and everything is ready for building the first totally evil man in the human history!” and a crazy laugh from the crazy man followed while you could see perishing in him the human figure and all the known human nature.

The young man stepped back trembling with fear of this final disfiguration. He knew it for sure: the body did not show all the ugliness inside.

“O!” the crazy man cried. Just one more little detail: a very nasty – or may I say evil –act should occur in this big day for my Project to succeed! So let’s bite to death the hand that fed us all this time!”

And he jumped at the young man all claws and teeth to kill…to kill…to kill… And there was no moral to stop the killing and no remorse to follow.

A pistol in the young man’s hand, prepared just in case… killed the crazy one… took the notebook with the Project… had the idea to begin all over again. And in wasn’t necessary: the young man’s image in the mirror was smiling on its own with the perfect evil expression, the young man’s expression was as old as the world…because, of course, the Project wasn’t at all young…

x x x

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