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On the Same Wavelength

by Gregory Adams © 2004

First the picture went, replaced with roaring static. Then pulsating yellow-green shapes bled through the buzzing snow and formed into a pattern more or less approximate of a human head. "Hear me, people of Earth." The words came crashing through the speaker, as if it were almost too powerful to be carried by devices built by humans. "I come to offer you one last chance to avert the destruction of your world." It was clear that the speaker was wrestling with human speech, and taking great care with the words it chose. "I am Wzzyxikk, Ruler of the Malakylixxzar, a people of pure energy who live at frequencies beyond the scope of your hearing or sight. For too long have humans polluted our world with your talk, advertising, and most loathsome of all, what you call 'music.'" If it was possible for a being of pure energy to spit, this one did.

"Until now, our immaterial natures have prevented us from communicating with you before. Now that we have achieved the means, we deliver to you this warning: You have two earth days to cease what you call 'broadcast activity' of all types. If, in forty-eight of your hours, our environment is not free of all encroachment by your species, we will initiate oscillations that will cause the molecular bonds of what you call 'matter' to fail. Your world will disintegrate. You have been wa-"

Kevin found the remote and began scrolling through the channels, searching for anything but whatever THAT had been. The green shouting guy show seemed to be on a lot of stations, but then he jumped over to UHF where he discovered an episode of 'Thundercats.' Kevin loved television, but sometimes, it really, REALLY sucked. He wondered when someone was going to do something about that.

x x x

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