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Passing Fancy

by C. N. Pitts © 2004

I’m looking… looking for the One. And guess what? The One I’m looking for might just be you.

I always choose the crowded places; bus stations, bookstores, grocery stores, malls. I drift through the throngs like an inquisitive dog, nudging and bumping my way harmlessly along. You’ve seen me there I bet. Seen me, but not noticed me. No one ever notices me.

Guarantee you’ve felt me though. A small jostle as an elbow pokes you in the back? Little tug on your sleeve? The warm tingle of a hand innocently brushing against yours? Well that was me. Testing you, to see if you're the One.

It’s the touch you see. I have to touch you to know if it’s you. That first contact is the big test… like pulling a slot machine lever to see if the triple bars come up and the lights start flashing. When I touch the One it’s like fireworks going off in my head; colors get so bright they make my eyes hurt and the background noise becomes this huge roar like I have the whole ocean trying to slam itself into my ears. Some times I almost have to catch myself to keep from falling down.

Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not pain. It’s beautiful, exquisite. Like having an orgasm on a roller coaster.

It’s funny, you know? You never notice me in the crowd, and you never notice me after we make contact either. I’ll be there on the other side of the parking lot, watching you get into your car, and your eyes will slide right across me like I’m a ghost or something. You’ll be in your house and I’ll see you looking out the window, but you never seem to see me there, smoking across the street. You’ll be at work and never realize that it was me on the other end of that phone call. You’ll drive somewhere and you still won’t see me, in my car, even though I'm right behind you.

You’ll be asleep and have no idea that it’s me standing right next to your bed. At least not until I put the tape over your mouth.

Then you’ll notice me.

I wish I knew why consummating the relationship is always such a disappointment though. I mean really. It’s like the One somehow sees me coming and changes bodies or something. It never fails. It always seems that by the time I get there with my duct tape and my knives the One has moved on and I have to go looking again.

In the bus stations, in the bookstores. In the grocery stores, in the malls.

Looking for the One.

Looking for you.

x x x

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