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by Jacob John Vrieswyk © 2004

    We look.

We see that in the center of the town is a man. He is standing in front of a tall, thin, needle-spired tower. He is a very handsome man wearing a well-tailored suit of clothes. In his hands he is holding a type of flower foreign to the area and quite difficult to come by. He shoes suggest taste and expense but are old and starting to show their wear despite frequent polishing. Now as we look to the East, there beyond the outskirts of the town a Power is building.

    We see, but we cannot see.
    We listen.

The sounds of frightened birds in scurried flight. A terrible wind that races through the trees, stripping them of their leaves and even uprooting some. The pitter-patter of chipmunks seeking shelter. The confused howling of the wolves. The brook’s babble becomes the roar of a river now threatening to overflow its banks. All the time, building, building, building. A rush, a whirl, all the sounds fusing into an Overtone that suffuses you.

    We hear but we cannot hear.

IN THE POWER is something seen but not with the eyes and a silence, deep, profound. We envision the power now as it reaches up out of the page and places its message within your mind via special light encoded signals. We envision the silence now as it descends upon you.

    We are as ONE.
    We look.
    We listen.

For a time we did not see, but NOW we SEE. For a time we did not hear, but NOW we HEAR. For a time we could not envision the power as it leapt up off the page, planting its message within your mind via special light encoded signals, but NOW WE CAN.

The power is in you now and you are in the power.


x x x

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