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How it will end

by Philip Reyth © 2004

So, this is how the night went on with the hail of fire. I was watching the meteor shower that would devastate roughly one third of the Earth.

It came after an unexpected Solar flare had burned off some of our protective atmosphere, which made the world vulnerable to such a cosmic onslaught. It made the city I love seem like June instead of January. What could one do? What could all our genius and technology do against such a thing?

I just stood and watched my beloved city pummeled by fiery fists. The Astronomy and Science world estimated that Western Canada and Northwest United States would be decimated by the meteor shower that would last sixteen hours.

There was no point in leaving San Francisco; it was too far into the dead-zone. It would take four hours in light traffic to get to the Sierras in Nevada just outside the zone. The zone stretched from mid-California, far Northwest Nevada, Idaho, Western Montana all the way up to the North Pole. With impacts by the pole,! the heat and radiation would cause a lot of melt off. Cities will probably drown on the coasts.

I looked down from my penthouse balcony off Union Square at the chaos in the streets. I could hear overloaded helicopters leaving high-rise rooftops. It was pointless to leave, the city looked like an anthill kicked over.

Primal instinct was down there striving to stay alive. Man has a will to survive. Me.... Well I was practical. Who would of thought that me, Joseph Sakic would be here after retiring from service?

My operation and training to be an SS (Super Soldier) does little for me now. I had finished my eight-year tour and finished two more as a liaison for hire; a mercenary. I could have died countless times in many different places. My fortunes landed me here to die in the city I love.

I saw a burning fist coming down on the Trans-American building and I live in its shadow. I guess this is how it will end. The flaming rock shattered the building's midsection, coming down towards the base of my high-rise. What could someone say at a moment like this?

I could feel the nano-machines inside me, my conditioning reacting to the danger. I ran a mental override on the conditioning. This was useless. What do I gain from all I have accomplished? At this moment of my death, it all seems meaningless. I'm one of the most decorated SS. What have I gained? I am to die as the dregs in alleyways, amounting to nothing. We will die the same. I remember a saying from my father, his voice echoing in my memory.

    *The wise man, like the fool, will not be remembered.*
    *In days to come both will be forgotten.*
    *Like the fool, the wise man too must die.*

All that I have done was meaningless. May God have mercy on me for all I have done.

x x x

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