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by Diane T. Wickles © 2004

“Jessica? This is your star reporter, Tony. I just wanted to let you know I got here and I’ll be staying at The Regency Motel. When you said small town, man, you weren’t kidding. Population’s only 12,400 people. They don’t even have a Burger King. What’ll I do if I get a Whopper craving?”

“Funny. I don’t know why anyone would care that this town’s crime rate dropped. It was low to begin with. Probably just jaywalkers and litterers anyways.”

“Ok, ok. I have an appointment with the judge for 10:00 tomorrow morning. Then I’ll talk to some townsfolk. Get their prospective on this miracle crime solution. I should be able to wrap this up tomorrow. See ya when I see ya.”

* * *

“Jessica, I think I’ll stick around another day. I couldn’t swallow the bull the judge and district attorney were trying to feed me. ‘There’s a law-abiding citizen in all of us. Some just need a little persuasion to bring it out.’ And what’s worse, the townsfolk are spouting the same garbage. This town is hiding something and not doing a very good job of it. I just came from the local tavern where an older gent, who had had a little too much bourbon, was about to spill he guts when his buddies dragged him out.”

“That’s what I thought. Could you wire me some cash. Maybe I can do some ‘persuading’ of my own.”

* * *

“Got the cash, thanks. I may even have a chance to use it tonight. When I got back to my room someone had slipped a note under the door. They want to meet me in the school parking lot at midnight.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry. These are just yokels anyways. Before my meeting tonight I think I’ll find my older gent friend and try loosening up his tongue again. But in my car this time, not around his buddies. I’ll call tomorrow.”

* * *

“I’m onto something! My meeting was with the high school principal. He also feels there’s something funny about this town’s new crime solution. In the past two years, five seniors have been ‘sentenced’ to this ‘persuasion’ method. The principal, Mr. Stillman, says it’s nothing that he can put his finger on, but the students are different after the ‘persuading’. Odd acting. Almost spooky. Like they’re just a shell.”

“I know. This is something I can sink my teeth into. But wait, I haven’t told you about my evening with Mr. Balwin, my older gentleman friend. It took almost a fifth of bourbon before he’d talk, but once he started there was no stopping him. His brother has undergone this ‘persuasion’ after being convicted of robbing the local bar last year. His brother remembers reporting to the town’s medical building but he can’t remember anything that went on there. Mr. Baldwin says he drove his brother there once a month for three months. He says that on the second and third time he noticed his brother getting agitated as they neared the building. He told his brother that he didn’t have to go in if he didn’t want to, but his brother gave him a blank look and said that he didn’t have a choice. Now, the brother has horrible nightmares once or twice a week. He can’t remember what happens in his nightmares, either. Just that he wakes up screaming.”

“No. I’m staying. I’ve really got something here. If this ‘persuasion’ is making people act strange and have nightmares, it doesn’t sound very constitutional to me. I’ll call you later. I want to try talking to other offenders.”

* * *

“Jessica, I’ve spoken to six offenders and I agree with the principal. These people are like shells. Their eyes are empty. Dull. And of course none of them can tell me what happened. They just repeat the same line about needing to be persuaded to become better people. While I was getting the offender names I came across a couple second offenders. There were no third offenders recorded. Second offenders are sent to a Community Persuasion Facility which I am told is about an hour south of here. See what you can find out about that place, ok Jessica? The exact location is kept secret from even the offender’s family. There is absolutely no contact from the outside. The judge wants no distractions, I’m told. But I found one woman who would talk to me. Her son was sent to the facility after his second drunk driving offense. It was a six months sentence but just before he was due to be released she was told he had escaped. She feels sure they’ve killed him. I tried to ask her why she thought that, but she clammed up and rushed away.”

“No. This is MY story. I can handle myself. I’d like to try to talk to Mr. Baldwin’s brother. Talk to you later.”

* * *

Jessica, I’m outta here! I’ll be on the road in five minutes.. This is the Twilight Zone. Mr. Baldwin’s brother, Ron, couldn’t tell me anything so I stayed the night in case he had a nightmare. Wow, did he have a nightmare! I couldn’t understand most of what he said but his screaming scared the ---- outta me. He was pulling at his clothes and screaming, ‘No, no, help me. Oh, God, help me!’ I don’t know what they’re doing to these people just to make them follow the law, but…”

(sounds of a door being busted in, heard through the handset which dangled from the bedside table)

“…Tony Salvatori, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent…No, no. I’m leaving, see...Anything you say can be held against you… I won’t bother anyone anymore, just let me go…Alright, take him out of here. And I want him transported to the facility immediately…Nooooo! Jessica, don’t let them take me. Help me Jessica! Help meeee…”

x x x

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