The Child Within

by Christina Bennett © 2003

The night sky glowed vibrantly as slices of lightening split the heavens. Blustery wind howled furiously as it nearly knocked Cliff Valentine over. It was a dark and dangerous evening to be outdoors, but ever since the mysterious vanishing of several locals, Cliff grew more distraught with each passing occurrence. He had finally decided to take a moment to clear his thoughts in an attempt to ponder these strange disappearances. The small rustic Ohio town was normally peaceful and quiet, and up until recently there had been no major problems or issues. Sure there were the usual teenage pranks, and occasional domestic household fights, but for the most part Tucker was rather a well-behaved town.

As Cliff wandered aimlessly down the long, narrow road, his mind had become absorbed deep in thought. The first victim in these strange happenings had been six-year-old Emily, whom had been missing since yesterday. According to her mother Kathryn, Emily had appeared safe in her bedroom. The tear soaked, red faced parent had exclaimed that she turned her back on her daughter for a mere moment in an attempt to finish cooking that eve's supper. When she had glanced behind her to check on little girl, Emily was nowhere to be seen. She had made not a single noise: not a whimper, not a squeal, not a giggle, not a cry: absolutely nothing to imply that she had been in any sort of danger.

Being the one and only local town sheriff, it was Cliff's job to discover the answers to these disturbing questions. Why had these citizens vanished? What had happened to them? Where were they now? Cliff pressed his palms firmly against his temples as an evolving headache made him groan in pain. Questions he was unable to answer raced repeatedly in his mind, like a vicious unending cycle. There seemed to be no logical explanation. It made absolutely no sense. How could a quiet, safe, innocent little girl just vanish suddenly into thin air? How could a seventy five-year-old woman, who had just been seen walking alongside Lake Tucker just, vanish suddenly? Cliff needed answers and he needed them quick. People were getting restless and edgy, and more and more began to worry for their safety.

A great gust of wind circled directly in front of Cliff, suddenly interrupting his thoughts. It howled and blew vigorously in continual circles until eventually from it appeared a sort of portal, barely large enough for him to step through. What manner of unexplained events were at hand? Cliff knew what he must do if he were to discover any answers. Holding his breath, he cautiously stepped one quivering foot into the dense portal, followed closely by the other.

Once inside, Cliff glanced around in confusion. He knew not where he was. The sky was dazzling and sunny, with not a single storm cloud in view. Chubby, fluffy clouds floated lazily above and below him, and he found it odd that he was able to stroll easily upon them. A gentle, warm breeze tousled his hair, and children's giggles could be heard merrily in the distance.

"Where am I?" Cliff asked out loud.

As if response, a single, large scarlet rose appeared directly in front of him. As it bloomed, the child Emily's face appeared from within the center of the petals. She began to whisper softly, yet the words that she spoke sounded foreign to Cliff. The sentences flowed melodically and smoothly out of her lips and Cliff closed his eyes, straining to make out the unfamiliar babble. The words suddenly made sense, despite their unusual resonance. "Cliff, be not afraid."

Despite Emily being a child of a mere six years of age, the words were mature, as if spoken by the wisest of beings. The rose grew and grew until it enveloped Cliff completely. Emily's face seemed to be inches from Cliffs, and suddenly her eyes glowed red. The slight eeriness made Cliff shiver suddenly and as he closed his eyes her voice haunted his mind. "Cliff! Cliff! Cliff!!!!!!" Raucous laughter filled his mind. Psychotic, high-pitched shrieks seemed to echo all around and in him.

"STOP IT!!" Cliff screamed as he pressed his hands to his ears. The voice laughed and giggled mockingly, ignoring his plea to cease. Cliff's head began to spin, and the space around him turned faster and faster until finally he was overwhelmingly dizzy. The last thing Cliff remembered was the face. The red orbs glared maliciously at him, and thin black eyebrows arched evilly. Small, thin, lips formed a smirk that was unrecognizable as being a child's. Cliff screamed out in terror as he suddenly awoke with a start. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, and his breathing was rapid. He glanced down, and the woman beside him seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

Pushing off the heavy covers, Cliff stood up and walked towards the door to check on his daughter. As he slowly cracked open the door, he could hear the light breathing of his little girl. He stepped into her room quietly, so as not to wake her. Emily slowly opened her eyes, and smiled at the recognition of her father. "Hi, daddy!" Emily rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Oh thank heavens," Cliff muttered under his breath.

As Cliff gently kissed the top of Emily's head, he smiled softly as he tucked her gently back into bed.

"Goodnight sweetheart. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight, daddy." Emily yawned and closed her eyelids.

As Cliff turned to leave Emily's room, he decided to glance behind him one final time.

To his horror, Emily stood directly in front of him, her red eyes glaring intently at him.

Cliff gasped as he rubbed his eyes and blinked, but as he looked once more the child appeared normal again, yawning sleepily as she lay still in bed.

Cliff shrugged and decided to head back to bed.

x x x

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