Try to Remember
(the kind of September)

by Bruce Lafond © 2003

"After a few flashes in the pan, we shall hear little more of Edison or his electric lamp. Every claim he makes has been tested and proved impractical." - The New York Times - January 16, 1880.

As the sun peeked over FDR Drive, Dave Wilson inhaled the first breeze of another luscious Indian summer day. Working for the Mayor may not foster a cushy nine-to-five lifestyle, but it sure beat his last position - conductor on the IRT Line, moving humanity in and out of the city, like cargo below ground.

Today is less typical. Leave Gracie Mansion at 7:00am for a breakfast meeting at the Seaport, followed by more meetings and photo-ops until four. Then back to Gracie to prepare for the Yankee game. Boston is coming to the Bronx tonight - can't miss it.

"Whadda ya know Wilson"? spoke one of New York's Finest, helmeted, and in the shorts of the NYPD's bicycle brigade as he rolled up along side of the armored limo.

"Hey Fernandez," Dave replied, "Did you order up this weather? I thought you wheel jockeys prefer rain."

"Very funny. Is that the new electric Lincoln"? the cop asked, "Very sweet automobile - took them long enough to put one on the market."

"Yeah," Dave said, "only makes 24 hours on a charge, but it has speed and torque to spare. Guillani wants to go out on a 'green' note."

"Sure, and maybe he'll consult for Consolidated Fusion, before he runs for president"! the cop added.

"Why not"? said Dave, "He spent the last seven years chasing the crud out of this town - why shouldn't he coast on the wave of cheap power for a while"?

The two men were quiet a moment, as they watched a container ship make its way toward the revitalized cargo port on the city's West Side. Dave was reflecting on the changes to his beloved New York City, since Rudy Guillani was installed. And what the miracle of fusion power generation had made available to all, when he got a sudden sense of foreboding. Looking up at the twin towers of the World Trade Center framed against the azure September sky, he had to twist the chill from his spine.

"What's the matter with you"? said Fernandez.

"I don't know, . some Déjà vu I guess . weird," replied the driver, "I was just reminded of the attack on the Trade back in '91, you know. when they tried to blow it up with a truck full of TNT? Rudy was campaigning, and they had just announced the success of the cold fusion trials."

"Ummm.. A lot has happened in ten years, eh"? said the cop, "cheap power, reduced pollution, water and food for everyone, the collapse of OPEC & marginalizing of the Middle East. Maybe the best improvement to peace of mind is President Quayle's initiative on terrorism - just last month a Federal hit squad took out what was left of the Bin Laden clan."

The Mayor's driver took a deep breath of air. he remembered when the city air could bring tears to his eyes. this morning, it seemed he could smell the corn ripening in Pennsylvania.

"You're right Fernandez," he said, shaking off the odd feeling, "Hey, here comes Hizzoner now, ain't you supposed to be fighting crime or something? It's almost nine o'clock."

"Up yours Wilson"! the cop smiled at him from behind mirrored lenses, as he pedaled away, "Try to keep that that vehicle on the road today, willya"?

Dave returned the smile and nodded as he prepared his tools for the morning of a new day, indeed.

x x x

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